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Planar Graphs

Euler's Theorem


Let GG be a graph that can be drawn on a plane surface so that no two of its edges intersect. Then GG is called a planar graph.

Euler's Theorem on Planar Graphs

Let GG be a connected planar graph with VV vertices, EE edges, and FF faces. Then V+F=E+2V+F=E+2.


We prove the statement by induction on EE, the number of edges of GG. If E=1E=1, then GG is either the tree of one edge, and then V=2,F=1V=2, F=1, and the statement is true, or GG is the one-vertex graph with a loop, and then V=1,F=2V=1, F=2, and the statement is true again.

Now let us assume that we know the statement for all graphs with E1E-1 edges, and let GG have EE edges. We distinguish two cases.

If we can remove an edge ee from GG so that the new graph GG^{\prime} is still connected, then ee is in a cycle in GG, and therefore there are two different faces on the two sides of ee in GG. Then GG^{\prime} has E1E-1 edges, VV vertices, and F1F-1 faces as the removal of ee turned the two faces on the two sides of ee into one. Therefore, V+F1=E1+2V+F-1=E-1+2, so V+F=E+2V+F=E+2.

If there is no ee with the mentioned property, then GG is a cycle-free connected graph, that is, a tree. Then we know that V=E+1V=E+1. On the other hand, F=1F=1, so the claim is again true.

Lemma 1

The graph K3,3K_{3, 3} is not planar.

Let us suppose that K3,3K_{3, 3} is planar. As it has nine edges and six vertices, and it must have five faces. However, K3,3K_{3, 3} is a complete bipartite graph, so all its faces must be quadrilaterals. Five quadrilaterals have a total of twenty edges, but in a planar graph, each edge is contained in two faces. Therefore, our graph would need ten distinct edges, but it has only nine.

Lemma 2

The graph K5K_5 is not planar.

Again, let us suppose that K5K_5 is planar. As it has five vertices and ten edges, it follows from Euler's Theorem that it must have seven faces. As K5K_5 is a complete graph, all its faces must be triangles. Seven triangles, however, would need 21 edges, which is impossible as each of the ten edges of K5K_5 is used in exactly two faces.

Kuratowski's Theorem

A graph is not planar if and only if it contains a subgraph that is edge-equivalent to K5K_5 or K3,3K_{3, 3}.



Let PP be a convex polyhedron with VV vertices, FF faces, and EE edges. Then V+F=E+2V + F = E + 2.


In any convex polyhedron with FF faces and EE edges, 3F2E3F \leq 2E.


In any convex polyhedron with VV vertices and EE edges, 3V2E3V \leq 2E.


Let c1,c2,,cVc_1, c_2, \cdots, c_V denote the number of edges adjacent to each vertex. As each edge is adjacent to exactly two vertices,

i=1Vci=2E.\sum_{i=1}^V c_i=2 E .

As each vertex is contained in at least three faces, ci3c_i \geq 3 for all ii, so the left-hand side is at least as large as 3 V3 \mathrm{~V}, which was to be proved.

Lemma 1

In any convex polyhedron, E3V6E \leq 3 V-6, and also, E3F6E \leq 3 F-6.


We know from the above corollary that F2E3F \leq \frac{2 E}{3}. Comparing this to Euler's theorem, we get

E+2=F+V2E3+V,E3V2,\begin{gathered} E+2=F+V \leq \frac{2 E}{3}+V, \\ \frac{E}{3} \leq V-2, \end{gathered}

and the claim E3V6E \leq 3 V-6 follows by rearranging. Similarly, the proposition above implies V2E3V \leq \frac{2 E}{3}, and comparing this to Euler's theorem,

E+2=F+VF+2E3,E3F2,\begin{gathered} E+2=F+V \leq F+\frac{2 E}{3}, \\ \frac{E}{3} \leq F-2, \end{gathered}

and again, the claim E3F6E \leq 3 F-6 follows by rearranging.

Lemma 2

All convex polyhedra have at least one face that has at most five edges.


We know from Lemma 1 that E3F6E \leq 3 F-6. Comparing this to Euler's Theorem we obtain

i=1Ffi=2E6F12.\sum_{i=1}^F f_i=2 E \leq 6 F-12 .

Therefore, it cannot be that fi6f_i \geq 6 for all ii as that would imply the inequality i=1Ffi6F\sum_{i=1}^F f_i \geq 6 F.

Lemma 3

All convex polyhedra have at least one vertex that is contained in at most five edges.


We know from Lemma 1 that E3V6E \leq 3 V-6. We obtain

i=1Vci=2E6V12\sum_{i=1}^V c_i=2 E \leq 6 V-12

Therefore, it cannot be that ci6c_i \geq 6 for all ii as that would imply the inequality i=1Vci6V\sum_{i=1}^V c_i\geq 6V.

Coloring Maps


The vertices of any planar graph can be properly colored with six colors.


Induction on VV, the number of vertices of the planar graph GG. If V=1V=1, then the statement is obviously true. Let us assume that we know that the statement is true for graphs with V1V-1 vertices. Let GG have VV vertices. Then we know that GG has a vertex AA of degree at most five. Remove AA from GG to get the graph GG^{\prime}. By our induction hypothesis, GG^{\prime} has a proper coloring with six colors. Take such a coloring of GG^{\prime}, then color AA with a color that is not the color of any of its (at most five) neighbors.

This means, by duality, that all maps can be properly colored using six colors. The situation is significantly harder if we only want to use five colors. The result, however, is the same.


The vertices of any planar graph can be properly colored with five colors.


Just as in proving the previous proposition, we use induction. The only case in which the previous proof does not work is when AA has five neighbors, and they are all of different colors. In this case, denote by 1,2,3,41,2,3,4 and 5 the colors of the five neighbors y1,y2,y3,y4,y5y_1, y_2, y_3, y_4, y_5 of AA as they follow clockwise. Let GG^{\prime} be the graph obtained from GG by removing AA and all the edges adjacent to AA. If GG^{\prime} has a proper 5-coloring in which y1y_1 and y3y_3 are the same color, then we are done. If not, then any proper 5-coloring of GG^{\prime} must contain a path from y1y_1 to y3y_3 along which the vertices are alternatingly colored 1 and 3 . By a similar argument, if y2y_2 and y4y_4 cannot be the same color, then any proper 5 -coloring of GG^{\prime} must contain a path from y2y_2 to y4y_4 along which the vertices are alternatingly colored 2 and 4. This, however, is a contradiction, as a path from y1y_1 to y3y_3 and a path from y2y_2 to y4y_4 must always intersect.