Hi, I’m Qian Wang, but I go by Peter! I am a PhD student advised by Daniel Rakita at Yale University. I completed my undergrad at the University of Southern California (USC) studying Computer Engineering and Computer Science and Applied Math.

I am broadly interested in robot planning (long-horizon, manipulation, and multi-agent), particularly building agents that mimic human decision-making and act like humans. My research focuses on scalable methods that enable robots to perform complex, long-horizon tasks. So far, I have centered my research on developing better methods, both low-level search-based and high-level learning-based, to empower robots to accomplish fundamental and sophisticated tasks. Ultimately, I hope that robots and machines can be equipped with high-level cognitive skills to assist people in their daily lives and low-level motor skills to execute complex tasks effectively.


I was fortunate to participate in several research projects in the past at USC. I did research with Maxim Likhachev at CMU and worked on 3D Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF) and ML MAPF. I worked on DNN-MCTS parallelization under the supervision of Viktor Prasanna. I worked on enhancing human-robot interaction using the Task and Motion Planning framework with the advisement of Stefanos Nikolaidis at the ICAROS lab. I worked on the design and control of a lightweight low-cost quadruped robot under the mentorship of Quan Nyugen at the DRCL lab.


Teaching Experience

  • Spring 2023 - Spring 2024: Course Producer for CSCI 360: Intro to Artificial Intelligence with Prof. Mohammad Rajati
  • Spring 2024: Course Producer for CSCI 102: Intro to Computing with Prof. Mohammad Rajati
  • Spring 2023: Grader for EE451: Parallel and Distributed Computations with Prof. Viktor Prasanna
  • Spring 2023: Lab Mentor for EE354: Intro to Digital Circuits with Prof. Gandhi Puvvada
  • Fall 2022: Course Producer for EE 109: Intro to Embedded Systems with Prof. Mark Redekopp

Honors and Awards


  • Work-related: peter.wang.qw262 ‘at’ yale ‘dot’ edu
  • Everything else: wangqian1207 ‘at’ gmail ‘dot’ com