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More on Safety

Safe Control

So far, we have seen how HJI-VI can be used to compute the BRT(t)B R T(t) s i.e., the unsafe set of states. Conversely, if the system is outside the BRTC(t){BRT}^{C}(t), then the HJI-VI also provides a safety-preserving controller. In this section, our focus is on studying that controller and how it can be used for safety filtering.

To derive a safety controller, let's go back to the discrete-time DP where the value function is defined by the Bellman equation:

V(x,t)=maxu{L(x,u)+V(x+,t+1)}V(x, t)=\max _{u}\left\{L(x, u)+V\left(x_{+}, t+1\right)\right\}

Here, the optimal controller at state xx at time tt is one that indeed achieves the above maximums i.e., the input that satisfies the principle of optimality:

u(x,t)=arg maxu{L(x,u)+V(x+,t+1)}u^{*}(x, t)=\argmax_{u}\left\{L(x, u)+V\left(x_{+}, t+1\right)\right\}

Indeed if I follow this optimal control sequence starting from state xx at time tt, I will incur an overall optimal cost of V(x,t)V(x, t).

In other words, u(x,)u^{*}\left(x, \cdot\right) is the control law that achieves the value V(x,t)V(x, t).

Similarly, in continuous time, the Bellman equation is replaced by HJB PDE:

Vt+maxu{L(x,u)+Vxf(x,u)}=0\frac{\partial V}{\partial t}+\max _{u}\left\{L(x, u)+\frac{\partial V}{\partial x} \cdot f(x, u)\right\}=0

Here also the optimal control u(x,t)u^{*}\left(x, t\right) that actually achieves the value V(x,t)V\left(x, t\right) is given by the one that satisfies the principle of optimality. In other words, it is the control that actually achieves the above maximum:

u(x,t)=arg maxu{L(x,u)+Vx(x,t)f(x,u)}u^{*}(x, t)=\argmax_{u}\left\{L(x, u)+\frac{\partial V}{\partial x}(x, t) \cdot f(x, u)\right\}

The same principle applies in the context of reachability. If we are outside the unsafe set (ie. V(x,t)>0V(x, t)>0 ) and want to achieve this value over the time horizon [t,T][t, T], we should apply the control input that satisfies the principle of optimality. Recall that HJI-VI is given as (in the absence of disturbance):

min{l(x)V(x,t),Vt+maxuVxf(x,u)}=0V(x,T)=l(x)\begin{gathered} \min \left\{l(x)-V(x, t), \frac{\partial V}{\partial t}+\max _{u} \frac{\partial V}{\partial x} \cdot f(x, u)\right\}=0 \\ V(x, T)=l(x) \end{gathered}

The optimal control that the system can apply to maximize the signed distance to L\mathcal{L} is given by the controller that maximizes the Hamiltonian, i.e.,

usafe(x,t)=arg maxuV(x,t)xf(x,u)u_{\text{safe}}^{*}(x, t)=\argmax_{u} \frac{\partial V(x, t)}{\partial x} \cdot f(x, u)

In the cases where the BRT converges, we can ignore the time argument. Letting V(x)V^{*}(x) be the converged value function, the safety controller can be simplified as:

usafe(x)=arg maxuV(x)xf(x,u)u_{\text{safe}}^{*}(x)=\argmax_u \frac{\partial V^{*}(x)}{\partial x} \cdot f(x, u)
  • Intuitively, uu^{*} tries to align the dynamics of the system in the direction of increasing VV, i.e., it pushes the system away from the unsafe set. In fact, applying usafe(x)u_{\text{safe}}^{*}(x) at any state xx will take the system farthest possible from the unsafe set.

  • If the system starts outside the BRT and applies usafe(x)u_{\text{safe}}^{*}(x), it will remain outside the BRT.

  • It is particularly easy to compute this safe control for control-affine systems dynamics. For such systems, the dynamics can be written as f(x,u)=f1(x)+f2(x)uf(x, u)=f_{1}(x)+f_{2}(x) u \leftarrow The dynamics are affine in control


    V(x)xf(x,u)=Vxf1(x)+Vxf2(x)u\frac{\partial V^{*}(x)}{\partial x} \cdot f(x, u)=\frac{\partial V^{*}}{\partial x} \cdot f_{1}(x)+\frac{\partial V^{*}}{\partial x} \cdot f_{2}(x) u
    usafe (x)=argmaxuVxf1(x)+Vxf2(x)u=argmaxuVxf2(x)uu_{\text {safe }}^{*}(x)=\underset{u}{\operatorname{argmax}} \frac{\partial V^{*}}{\partial x} \cdot f_{1}(x)+\frac{\partial V^{*}}{\partial x} \cdot f_{2}(x) u=\underset{u}{\operatorname{argmax}} \frac{\partial V^{*}}{\partial x} \cdot f_{2}(x) u

    This is a linear objective function in uu and can easily be solved, allowing us to tractably compute the control law for control-affine systems.

Example: A Longitudinal Quadrotor

The system state is given as x=[zv]x=\left[\begin{array}{l}z \\ v\end{array}\right] where z˙=vv˙=ku+g\quad \begin{aligned} & \dot{z}=v \\ & \dot{v}=k u+g\end{aligned}.

Moreover let uu|u| \leq \vec{u}.

In this case, f(x,u)=[vku+g]=[vg]+[0k]uf(x, u)=\left[\begin{array}{c}v \\ k u+g\end{array}\right] =\left[\begin{array}{l}v \\ g\end{array}\right]+\left[\begin{array}{l}0 \\ k\end{array}\right] u

Thus, usafe=arg maxuvxf(x,u)u_{\text {safe}}^{*}=\argmax_u \frac{\partial v^{*}}{\partial x} \cdot f(x, u)

Let Vx=[p1(x)p2(x)]Vxf(x,u)=[p1(x)p2(x)]([vg]+[0k])\frac{\partial V^{*}}{\partial x}=\left[\begin{array}{ll}p_{1}(x) & p_{2}(x)\end{array}\right] \Rightarrow \frac{\partial V^{*}}{\partial x} \cdot f(x, u)=\left[\begin{array}{ll}p_{1}(x) & p_{2}(x)\end{array}\right]\left(\left[\begin{array}{l}v \\ g\end{array}\right]+\left[\begin{array}{l}0 \\ k\end{array}\right]\right)

vxf(x,u)=(p1(x)v+p2(x)g)+(p2(x)k)u\frac{\partial v^{*}}{\partial x} \cdot f(x, u)=\left(p_{1}(x) v+p_{2}(x) g\right)+\left(p_{2}(x) k\right) u \leftarrow a linear function in uu

usafe(x)=arg maxuuˉ(p1(x)v+p2(x)g)+(b2(x)k)u={uˉ if   p2(x)0uˉ if   p2(x)<0\begin{aligned} u_{\text {safe}}^{*}(x)&=\argmax_{|u| \leqslant \bar{u}}\left(p_{1}(x) v+p_{2}(x) g\right)+\left(b_{2}(x) k\right) u \\ &=\left\{\begin{array}{c} \bar{u} \quad \text { if } \; p_{2}(x) \geqslant 0 \\ -\bar{u} \quad \text { if } \; p_{2}(x)<0 \end{array}\right. \end{aligned}

\rightarrow A bang-bang safety control law (typical for control-affine systems)

Example: Planar Car

State: [pxbyθ]\left[\begin{array}{l}p_{x} \\ b_{y} \\ \theta\end{array}\right] with dynamics: f(x,u)=[vcosθvsinθω]f(x, u)=\left[\begin{array}{c}v \cos \theta \\ v \sin \theta \\ \omega\end{array}\right]

System control: ω\omega where ωωˉ|\omega| \leqslant \bar{\omega}

Once again, we have a control affine system

f(x,u)=[vcosθvsinθ0]+[001]uusafe =arg maxuVx(f1(x)+f2(x)u)=arg maxu[p1(x)p2(x)p3(x)]f2(x)u=agmaxp3(x)u={ωˉ if   p3(x)0ωˉ if   p3(x)<0\begin{aligned} f(x, u)&=\left[\begin{array}{c} v \cos \theta \\ v \sin \theta \\ 0 \end{array}\right]+\left[\begin{array}{l} 0 \\ 0 \\ 1 \end{array}\right] u \\ u_{\text {safe }}^{*}&=\argmax_{u} \frac{\partial V^{*}}{\partial x} \cdot\left(f_{1}(x)+f_{2}(x) u\right) \\ & =\argmax_u \left[p_{1}(x) \quad p_{2}(x) \quad p_{3}(x)\right] f_{2}(x) u \\ & = \operatorname{agmax} p_{3}(x) u \\ & =\left\{\begin{array}{l} \bar{\omega} \quad \text { if } \; p_{3}(x) \geqslant 0 \\ -\bar{\omega} \quad \text { if } \; p_{3}(x)<0 \end{array}\right. \end{aligned}

Example: Non-control-affine

Sometimes even when the system is not control-affine we can compute the safety control law. For example, consider the following 2D human dynamics model:

x=[pxby] with f(x,u)=[vcosθvsinθ]x=\left[\begin{array}{l} p_{x} \\ b_{y} \end{array}\right] \text { with } f(x, u)=\left[\begin{array}{l} v \cos \theta \\ v \sin \theta \end{array}\right]

Here, u=θu=\theta (the heading of the human). The system dynamics here are not linear or affine in θ\theta.

usafe (x)=arg maxu[p1(x)p2(x)][vcosθvsinθ]u_{\text {safe }}^{*}(x)=\argmax_u \left[\begin{array}{ll} p_{1}(x) & p_{2}(x) \end{array}\right]\left[\begin{array}{c} v \cos \theta \\ v \sin \theta \end{array}\right]

The above objective is a dot product between two vectors. Pictorially:

If we want to maximize the dot product, we should pick θ=α\theta=\alpha. Thus, usafe(x)=α(x)u_{\text {safe}}^{*}(x)=\alpha(x) where α(x)=tan1(p2(x)p1(x))\alpha(x)=\tan ^{-1}\left(\frac{p_{2}(x)}{p_{1}(x)}\right)

Safety Filtering

Often in robotic systems, we not only care about safety but also care about achieving a performance objective. After all, a self-driving car is safe if it doesn't move at all, but such a case is hard of any use from a practical viewpoint. In such cases, it is important to maintain performance while ensuring safety. One way to do so is via safety filtering.

The idea of safety filtering is to continue to apply a nominal performance controller (computed via MPC, RL, or even PID controller) until the safety is at risk; otherwise, apply a safety controller.

Let unorm(x)u_{\text{norm}}(x) be a nominal controller at state xx. This controller might have been computed using MPC, RL or any other control mechanism. But unorm(x)u_{\text{norm}}(x) may not be sufficient to ensure safety (e.g., when it doesn't take obstacles into account.) A control law that trade-off safety with performance is given by:

u(x)={unorm(x) if system is safe usafe(x) if safety at risk u^{*}(x)= \begin{cases}u_{\text {norm}}(x) & \text { if system is safe } \\ u_{\text {safe}}^{*}(x) & \text { if safety at risk }\end{cases}

But how do we know when safety is at risk? Well, we know the system is safe as long as it is outside the unsafe set. Thus,

ux(x)={unorm(x) if Vx(x)>0usafe x(x) if Vx(x)=0(A)u^{x}(x)= \begin{cases}u_{\text{norm}}(x) & \text { if } V^{x}(x)>0 \\ u_{\text {safe }}^{x}(x) & \text { if } V^{x}(x)=0 \end{cases} \tag{A}

The control law in A is called least-restrictive safety filtering because it minimally interferes with the performance controller and only overrides it when the system safety is at risk.

The problem with the control law in (A) is that it leads to a sudden switch in the control policy near the boundary of the unsafe set which might deviate significantly from the nominal controller. Moreover, it is sufficient to apply any safe controller and not necessarily the one that maximizes the value function. Thus, we can devise an alternative safety filtering lave as follows:

u(x)=arg minuuunorm22 s.t. u is safe }Remain as close to unorm as possible while maintaining safety \left.\begin{array}{rl} u^{*}(x)=& \argmin_u\left\|u-u_{\text {norm}}\right\|_{2}^{2} \\ & \text { s.t. } u \text { is safe } \end{array}\right\} \begin{aligned} & \text {Remain as close to } \\ & u_{\text {norm}} \text{ as possible } \\ & \text {while maintaining safety } \end{aligned}

But how do we obtain the set of all safe controls?

uu is safe V(x(t+δ))0\equiv V^{*}(x(t+\delta)) \geqslant 0 where δ\delta is the simulation timestep The above statement is saying that a control input uu is safe as long as the next state is still outside the BRT.

V(x(t+δ))V(x)+δVxf(x,u)0V^{*}(x(t+\delta)) \approx V^{*}(x)+\delta \frac{\partial V^{*}}{\partial x} \cdot f(x, u) \geq 0
u(x)=arg minuuunorm22 s.t. V(x)+δVxxf(x,u)0\begin{aligned} \Rightarrow u^{*}(x)= & \argmin_u \left\|u-u_{\text {norm}}\right\|_{2}^{2} \\ & \text { s.t. } V^{*}(x)+\delta \frac{\partial V^{x}}{\partial x} \cdot f(x, u) \geqslant 0 \end{aligned}

For a control affine system:

f(x,u)=f1(x)+f2(x)uf\left(x, u\right)=f_{1}(x)+f_{2}(x) u

Thus, the constraint can be re-written as:

V(x)+δVxf1(x)+δVxf2(x)u0V^{*}(x)+\delta \frac{\partial V^{*}}{\partial x} \cdot f_{1}(x)+\delta \frac{\partial V^{*}}{\partial x} \cdot f_{2}(x) u \geqslant 0

Since we know xx and we know VV^{*}, the above constraint is a linear constraint in uu. Let's write the above constraint generally as Au+b0A u+b \geqslant 0 where

A=δVxf2(x)b=V(x)+δVxf1(x)\begin{aligned} A&=\delta \frac{\partial V^{*}}{\partial x} \cdot f_{2}(x) \\ b&=V^{*}(x)+\delta \frac{\partial V^{*}}{\partial x} \cdot f_{1}(x) \end{aligned}

Thus, the safety filtering law can be written as:

u(x)=arg minuuunorm22 s.t. Au+b0(B)\begin{aligned} u^{*}(x)=&\argmin_u \left\|u-u_{\text {norm}}\right\|_{2}^{2} \\ & \text { s.t. } A u+b \geqslant 0 \end{aligned} \tag{B}

The safety filtering law in (B) is a QP-based law and is quite popular in robotics. because it can be efficiently solved online.

  • Note that people use a variety of cost functions, including u2\|u\|^{2} for minimum energy control, uulast22\left\|u-u_{\text {last}}\right\|_{2}^{2} for minimum jerk control etc.

Example: Longitudinal Quadrotor

f(x)=[vg]+[0k]u and let vx(x)=[p1(x)p2(x)] as before. A=δ[p1(x)p2(x)][0k]u=δp2(x)kub=V(x)+δp1(x)v+δp2(x)g\begin{aligned} & f(x)=\left[\begin{array}{l} v \\ g \end{array}\right]+\left[\begin{array}{l} 0 \\ k \end{array}\right] u \quad \text { and let } \frac{\partial v^{*}}{\partial x}(x)=\left[p_{1}(x) \quad p_{2}(x)\right] \text { as before. } \\ & A=\delta\left[p_{1}(x) \quad p_{2}(x)\right]\left[\begin{array}{l} 0 \\ k \end{array}\right] u=\delta p_{2}(x) k u \\ & b=V^{*}(x)+\delta p_{1}(x) v+\delta p_{2}(x) g \end{aligned}

QP problem that needs to be solved at xx is:

minuuunorm2 s.t. (δp2(x)k)u(V(x)+δp1(x)v+δp2(x)g)\begin{aligned} & \min _{u}\left\|u-u_{\text {norm}}\right\|^{2} \\ & \text { s.t. }\left(\delta p_{2}(x) k\right) u \leq\left(V^{*}(x)+\delta p_{1}(x) v+\delta p_{2}(x) g\right) \end{aligned}

Example: Planar Vehicle

f(x)=[vcosθvsinθω]=[vcosθvsinθ0]+[001]ωA=δp3(x)b=V(x)+δp1(x)vcosθ+δp2(x)vsinθ\begin{aligned} f(x) & =\left[\begin{array}{c} v \cos \theta \\ v \sin \theta \\ \omega \end{array}\right]=\left[\begin{array}{c} v \cos \theta \\ v \sin \theta \\ 0 \end{array}\right]+\left[\begin{array}{l} 0 \\ 0 \\ 1 \end{array}\right] \omega \\ A & =\delta p_{3}(x) \\ b & =V^{*}(x)+\delta p_{1}(x) v \cos \theta+\delta p_{2}(x) v \sin \theta \end{aligned}

Bringing Back Disturbance

The above safety filtering mechanisms can also be applied in the presence of uncertainty. Let's first look at the least restrictive controller. There usafe(x)u_{\text{safe}}^{*}(x) is now given as:

usafe(x)=arg maxumindV(x)xf(x,u,d)u_{\text {safe}}^{*}(x)=\argmax_{u} \min _{d} \frac{\partial V^{*}(x)}{\partial x} \cdot f(x, u, d)

A particularly interesting class of dynamics is control and disturbance affine dynamics:

f(x,u,d)=f1(x)+f2(x)u+f3(x)df\left(x, u, d\right)=f_{1}(x)+f_{2}(x) u+f_{3}(x) d


usafe(x)=arg maxuV(x)xf1(x)+V(x)xf2(x)u+mindV(x)xf3(x)d=arg maxuV(x)xf2(x)u\begin{aligned} u_{\text {safe}}^{*}(x) & =\argmax_u \frac{\partial V^{*}(x)}{\partial x} \cdot f_{1}(x)+\frac{\partial V^{*}(x)}{\partial x} \cdot f_{2}(x) u +\min _{d} \frac{\partial V^{*}(x)}{\partial x} \cdot f_{3}(x) d \\ & =\argmax_u \frac{\partial V^{*}(x)}{\partial x} \cdot f_{2}(x) u \end{aligned}

Thus, the safety control does not directly depend on dd, but indirectly it does because V(x)V^{*}(x) and Vx(x)\frac{\partial V^{*}}{\partial x}(x) depend on dd.


z˙=vv˙=ku+g+d\begin{aligned} & \dot{z}=v \\ & \dot{v}=k u+g+d \end{aligned}

Let uˉuuˉ,dˉddˉ-\bar{u} \leq u \leq \bar{u},-\bar{d} \leq d \leq \bar{d}

Here, x=[zv]x=\left[\begin{array}{l}z \\ v\end{array}\right]. Also let V(x)x=[p1(x)p2(x)]\frac{\partial V^{*}(x)}{\partial x}=\left[\begin{array}{l}p_{1}(x) \\ p_{2}(x)\end{array}\right]

f1(x)=[vg]f2(x)=[0k]f3(x)=[01]f_{1}(x)=\left[\begin{array}{l} v \\ g \end{array}\right] \quad f_{2}(x)=\left[\begin{array}{l} 0 \\ k \end{array}\right] \quad f_{3}(x)=\left[\begin{array}{l} 0 \\ 1 \end{array}\right]
usafe(x)=arg maxumind[p1(x)p2(x)]([vg]+[0k]u+[01]d)=arg maxu[p1(x)p2(x)][0k]u=arg maxu(p2(x)k)u={uˉ if   p2(x)0uˉ otherwise \begin{aligned} u_{\text {safe}}^{*}(x)& =\argmax_u \min _{d}\left[\begin{array}{ll} p_{1}(x) & p_{2}(x) \end{array}\right]\left(\left[\begin{array}{l} v \\ g \end{array}\right]+\left[\begin{array}{l} 0 \\ k \end{array}\right] u+\left[\begin{array}{l} 0 \\ 1 \end{array}\right] d\right) \\ & =\argmax_u \left[\begin{array}{ll} p_{1}(x) & p_{2}(x) \end{array}\right]\left[\begin{array}{l} 0 \\ k \end{array}\right] u \\ & =\argmax_u \left(p_{2}(x) k\right) u \\ & = \begin{cases}\bar{u} & \text { if } \; p_2(x) \geqslant 0 \\ -\bar{u} & \text{ otherwise }\end{cases} \end{aligned}
  • A similar analysis can be done for the planar vehicle.

QP-based Safety Filter

Now, let's move on to the QP-based safety filter. Once again we want to pick a control input among the set of safe controls that is closest to unormu_{\text {norm}}.

ux(x)=argminuunorm22s.t. u is safe \begin{aligned} u^{x}(x)=&\arg \min \left\|u-u_{\text {norm}}\right\|_{2}^{2} \\ & \text{s.t. } u \text { is safe } \end{aligned}
u is safe mindV(x(t+δ))0 even under the worst-case  disturbance, the next state  is outside the BRT \begin{array}{r} u \text { is safe } \equiv \min_d V^{*}(x(t+\delta)) \geqslant 0 \leftarrow \text { even under the worst-case } \\ \text { disturbance, the next state } \\ \text { is outside the BRT } \end{array}
V(x(t+δ))=V(x)+δVxf(x,u,d)=V(x)+δVxf1(x)+δVxf3(x)d+δVxxf2(x)umindV(x(t+δ))=(V(x)+δVxf1(x))+mindδVxf3(x)d+δVxf2(x)u=(V(x)+δVxf1(x))+δVxf3(x)d+δVxf2(x)u\begin{aligned} V^{*}(x(t+\delta))&=V^{*}(x)+\delta \frac{\partial V^{*}}{\partial x} \cdot f\left(x, u, d\right) \\ & =V^{*}(x)+\delta \frac{\partial V^{*}}{\partial x} \cdot f_{1}(x)+\delta \frac{\partial V^{*}}{\partial x} \cdot f_{3}(x) d+\delta \frac{\partial V^{x}}{\partial x} f_{2}(x) u \\ \min_d V^{*}(x(t+\delta))&=\left(V^{*}(x)+\delta \frac{\partial V^{*}}{\partial x} \cdot f_{1}(x)\right)+\min _{d} \delta \frac{\partial V^{*}}{\partial x} \cdot f_{3}(x) d +\delta \frac{\partial V^{*}}{\partial x} \cdot f_{2}(x) u \\ & =\left(V^{*}(x)+\delta \frac{\partial V^{*}}{\partial x} \cdot f_{1}(x)\right)+\delta \frac{\partial V^{*}}{\partial x} \cdot f_{3}(x) d^{*}+\delta \frac{\partial V^{*}}{\partial x} \cdot f_{2}(x) u \end{aligned}

Where d=arg mindVxf3(x)dd^*=\argmin_d \frac{\partial V^*}{\partial x} \cdot f_3(x) d. Once again dd^* can be easily found for affine dynamical systems.

Again, we have a constraint of form Au+b0A u+b \geqslant 0, resulting in a QP. It is just that we have an additional offset of δVxf3(x)d\delta \cdot \frac{\partial V^{*}}{\partial x} \cdot f_{3}(x) d^{*} in bb.

Example: Quadrotor Again

V(x)xf1(x)=vp1(x)+gp2(x)\frac{\partial V^{*}(x)}{\partial x} \cdot f_{1}(x)=v p_{1}(x)+g p_{2}(x)
d=arg mindV(x)xf3(x)d=arg mindp2(x)d={dˉ if   p2(x)0dˉ if   p2(x)<0\begin{aligned} d^{*}&=\argmin_d \frac{\partial V^{*}(x)}{\partial x} \cdot f_{3}(x) d \\ & =\argmin _{d} p_{2}(x) d \\ & =\left\{\begin{array}{l} -\bar{d} \quad \text { if } \; p_{2}(x) \geqslant 0 \\ \bar{d} \quad \text { if } \; p_{2}(x)<0 \end{array}\right. \end{aligned}

Thus, V(x)xf3(x)d=p2(x)d={p2(x)dˉ if p2(x)0p2(x)dˉ if p2(x)<0=p2(x)dˉ\frac{\partial V^{*}(x)}{\partial x} \cdot f_{3}(x) d^{*}=p_{2}(x) d^{*}= \begin{cases}-p_{2}(x) \bar{d} & \text { if } p_{2}(x) \geqslant 0 \\ p_{2}(x) \bar{d} & \text { if } p_{2}(x)<0\end{cases}=\left|p_{2}(x)\right| \bar{d}

V(x)xf2(x)=p2(x)k\frac{\partial V^{*}(x)}{\partial x} \cdot f_{2}(x)=p_{2}(x) k

Thus, the linear constraint is given by:

b=V(x)+δVp1(x)+δgp2(x)+δp2(x)dˉA=δp2(x)kAu+b0\begin{aligned} & b=V^{*}(x)+\delta V p_{1}(x)+\delta g p_{2}(x)+\delta\left|p_{2}(x)\right| \bar{d} \\ & A=\delta p_{2}(x) k \\ & A u+b \geqslant 0 \end{aligned}

Planar Vehicle Example

f(x,u,d)=[vcosθ+dxvsinθ+dyω] where ωωˉ control, dxdydˉ Disturbance f(x,u,d)=[vcosθvsinθ0]+[001]ω+[100100](dxdy) 2D disturbance \begin{gathered} f(x, u, d)=\left[\begin{array}{c} v \cos \theta+d_x \\ v \sin \theta+d_y \\ \omega \end{array}\right] \quad \text { where }|\omega| \leq \bar{\omega} \leftarrow \text { control, } \left\| \begin{array}{c} d_{x} \\ d_y \end{array}\right\| \leq \bar{d} \leftarrow \text { Disturbance } \\ f(x, u, d)=\left[\begin{array}{c} v \cos \theta \\ v \sin \theta \\ 0 \end{array}\right]+\left[\begin{array}{l} 0 \\ 0 \\ 1 \end{array}\right] \omega+\left[\begin{array}{cc} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 \end{array}\right]\left(\begin{array}{c} d x \\ d y \end{array}\right) \leftarrow \text { 2D disturbance } \end{gathered}

Safety Filtering Pros and Cons


A very practical way to ensure safety on top of any nominal and potentially unsafe policy, including learning-based policies.


Only greedily optimize for performance. Doesn't take future policy or performance into account. It can lead to suboptimal performance in the future.