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· 2 min read
Peter Wang

Welcome to my cooking blog. I don't know whether you are drooling or "ew-ing" in front of your screen, but at least my stomach is satisfied with these dishes.


I mainly cook Chinese cuisine so there's a translation gap between Chinese and English cooking jargon. I will define a couple of the common ones below.

  • Old soy sauce - 老抽
  • Aged vinegar - 陈醋
  • Cooking wine - 料酒
  • Cinnamon - 桂皮
  • Star anise - 八角

More to come ...

Use of Tags

Healthy: Blog posts with a healthy tag consist of all healthy dishes, namely every dish that contains both veggies and meat, low oil, low salt, and low sugar.

Convenient: A dish that can be cooked within 20 minutes from start to finish is categorized as a convenient dish.

Delicate: Complementing the convenient tag, a delicate tag means that the cooking process for the dish is time-consuming and requires some skillful work.

Spicy: On fire!

Vegan: Veggie!

Seafood: A dish that has seafood, such as fish, crabs, clams, etc., as its component. Fun fact: I'm a super big seafood fan.

Pork: A dish that uses pork as one of its ingredients.

Beef: A dish that uses beef as one of its ingredients.

The rest of the tags are pretty literal.

Blog Structure

├── Food Name (with a picture)
├── Ingredients
├── Instructions
└── Adornment (with a video)

There's always a luring picture at the beginning followed by ingredients and instructions.

Pictures may not come with instructions at each step. (I'm lazy.)

The adornment section is the apex of the blog, always in a form of a video. It evokes some inner satisfaction!
